
Infertility Struggles to SURPRISE We are Having a Baby!

Hello, I’d like to reintroduce myself to those who may not know me. My name is Vanessa and I have been blogging for quite some time about motherhood but mostly my travels around the world with my little family of 3 (mommy, daddy and precious daughter) giving travel tips, advice and a personal glimpse of how we do it and you can too! I’m also a self published author writing about my daughters travels around the world! As the years passed, I wanted to grow our small family of 3 but realized having a second baby would be a very challenging feat.

After my daughter turned 3, I felt it was time to try for baby #2! I honestly had no idea the challenges I would face and the feeling of disappointment and despair I would feel for more than 4 years of struggling with infertility. After several consultations, IUI’s, fibroids, etc… my doctor finally told me the only way I would honestly be able to conceive would have to be through IVF.

Please read my blog post “2nd Infertility Woes” for more specifics of what I went through during this very trying time.

I write this post today, something I thought I would have never been able to do, to proudly say I am finally with child and beyond grateful, thankful and so incredibly blessed.

This is my story that I will forever keep in my heart and will cherish forever. If you want to know how I found out I was finally pregnant, please keep reading.

Let me take you back to that joyous day of how I found out after 4.5 years of seeing no second line on that pregnancy test to FINALLY through blurry teary eyes seeing 2 pink lines at last!

Christmas 2021

We live a few hours away from our immediate family and always drive down to visit for the big holidays. Because my daughters birthday is so close to Christmas we celebrate her birthday while down there too. My daughter was born on December 23rd and every year we make sure to throw her a birthday party. My birthday is on December 27th and let me just say I always felt a little cheated on my birthday and promised myself I would never let my daughter feel that way. On this day we celebrated her birthday with our families and had a wonderful time!

The evening of the 23rd after the birthday festivities I went to the restroom and saw that I was spotting. I was already a few weeks late but assumed it was because I was stressed with the holidays and the big trip we were about to take in a few days after Christmas. I told my husband to come with me into my parents garage to grab something to drink and immediately began to cry to tell him once again I was NOT pregnant. He comforted me, as always, saying it was okay and at least I could now drink and have a good time in Paris (we planned a trip to Paris for the New Year). The next day, December 24th, we celebrated Christmas Eve with our families but I felt a little funny. You see, that morning I still had not fully started my period but again attributed it to stress. That evening we drove back home to make sure our daughter went to sleep in her own bed to wake up to find out if she had been naughty or nice.

Christmas Morning

I’m pregnant!

By 7am we were all up and my daughter was ecstatic to see that Santa did indeed bring her gifts! As she was busy opening up gifts I went to the restroom and thought to myself, what if I took a pregnancy test and it was positive? How crazy would that be on Christmas day?? I took the test and after a few seconds I saw the second pink line. I cried and cried for a good 15 minutes! I was shocked, relieved, excited, scared and every other emotion possible.

This Christmas my husband and I decided not to exchange gifts but I had to do something special with this exciting news we had both waited so long for. I found an old sunglass case that was just the perfect size for a pregnancy test and wrapped it up. After a good 20 minutes or so my husband finally realized I was missing and asked where I had been. I told him don’t worry about it but I got him something special. His face dropped because we had promised we would not buy each other anything. I laughed and told him not to worry and to just open the present I got him. He opened it and saw the sunglass case and said thanks. I said no, open it up and see what’s inside!

He finally opened it up and was in complete disbelief! He asked if this was a joke, was I playing with him, how was it possible, how long have I known?!? I responded that I had just found out too and was just as shocked!! We cried, hugged, kissed and cried some more because of the long journey we had been through together.

The Journey Begins

We had 2 days before our family trip to Paris and knew we had to be incredibly careful not just because of COVID but because now I was also pregnant and still very early.

My first trimester was a little difficult but thankfully no morning sickness. This time around I had lots of bloating and felt nauseous with foreign smells (HA, not the best feeling while abroad). I craved fresh orange juice and meats! While in Paris, we took a couple of professional photos showcasing we were pregnant in hopes that this little baby continued to grow and thrive with us. I am proud to say, 20+ weeks later, we are still going strong but I am still very nervous. From the moment we found out I was pregnant, my husband has taken over a lot to make sure I am as comfortable, healthy and happy as can be. I still pray every single day that our little blessing continues to stay strong and healthy.

To my little baby growing inside my belly, you are already so incredibly loved! We can’t wait to meet you.

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