
Perks for Traveling with a Baby!

Our experience these past few years from traveling with a toddler has been so very enjoyable!  Why?  Because European countries like France and Italy are so very accommodating to families with very young children.

Let me further explain.  When flying internationally most airlines will offer families with young children to board first.  This is great because it gives you time to get your seat situated, install car seat and store carryon baggage in over head compartments without being rushed.  Biggest perk is when you finally arrive at your final destination every person on that flight must stand in line to go through customs which can sometimes be a few hours!  Imagine doing that with a frustrated and impatient child.  Fortunately for my little family (and i’m sure many more out there) we were saved because we were asked to move into the VIP line to get through customs the fastest I’ve ever seen, I’m talking minutes and we were out the door!  I swear other passengers glared our way wondering what we did different!?

Once you get through your first obstacle called customs, you can head out the doors to experience the real fun.  Taxis, restaurants, locals, random passerby’s are so incredibly helpful and respectful.  Believe me I’ve traveled these countries plenty of times on my own and with my husband and never got the attention we get now with our toddler.  One example, while on the metro men frantically got up to offer us their seats if they saw us standing.  Yes, they could have just been raised to be great men but let me tell you this happened more than just on one occasion.  At restaurants if our daughter got fussy the server would play with our daughter or give her a small treat to put a smile on her face.  Very pleasant memories and oh how I miss Europe! 


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